Early Kindergarten, a Special Journey for Your Child

Our Early Kindergarten Program focuses on the physical, social, and cognitive development of your child. We utilize a researched teaching approach that is integrated with meaningful playtime to meet the needs of young children during this important developmental time. Learning materials are centered around your child’s natural curiosity and desire to learn. Regular communication between teacher and parent to discuss your child’s progress towards his or her individual learning and developmental goals is a key emphasis in this program. Students enrolled in the Early Kindergarten Program may advance to first grade or be retained in kindergarten for the following academic year.

  • Free, full-day Early Kindergarten for Ages 4-5
  • Programs runs for the full school year (August-May)
  • Applicants must turn 5 years old by Jan. 1st
  • Special program to prepare young learners for success!

*All applicants will be given a program assessment